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Hotel Bristol, ''Banja Luka'' Hall, Fra Filipa Lastrića 2, Sarajevo
Hotel Bristol, ''Banja Luka'' Hall, Fra Filipa Lastrića 2, Sarajevo
Center for Social Research Analitika and Mediacentar Sarajevo, in cooperation with The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina, organize the annual cross-sectoral conference "Law on Prohibition of Discrimination: Towards Better and More Efficient Mechanisms of Protection", as a part of the project "Equality for All: Civil Society Coalition Against Discrimination". The conference will be held June 04, 2015 from 09:30 to 14:30, in Hotel Bristol, Sarajevo.
Although the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination is in force since 2009, numerous analyzes have pointed to continuing problems in the implementation of a comprehensive anti-discrimination framework in BiH. In addition to a stronger commitment of all stakeholders towards the consistent application of legislation in this area, there is an evident need to improve the existing legal framework in order to ensure better and more effective protection of victims of discrimination.
Therefore, the main purpose of this cross-sectoral conference is, while reviewing the previous experience in the fight against discrimination in BiH, to encourage dialogue and cooperation between key government institutions, the Institution of Ombudsman for Human Rights of BiH, representatives of the judiciary and non-governmental organizations on key issues and key developments in the area of combating discrimination in BiH and possible ways of improving the anti-discrimination law and its implementation.
The conference consists of two pannel discussions, first of which covering the legal framework in the field of protection against discrimination in BiH, while the second pannel is dedicated to the regulation of mobbing as a form of discrimination, according to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination in BiH.
This event is organized in cooperation with The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the project “Equality for All: Civil Society Coalition against Discrimination“, and is implemented in cooperation with Mediacentar Sarajevo, Analitika – Center for Social Research, Rights for All and Vaša prava BiH. The project is financed by USAID and Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina.
NOTE: This is a closed event and only those who receive an invitation will be able to register for the event.