Although the BiH Council of Ministers adopted the Anti-Corruption Strategy 2015-2019 and the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for the Fight against Corruption 2015-2019, whereby they also warn of the well-known disastrous consequences of corruption criminal offences, there are still a number of weaknesses and problems in the processing of these offences in BiH.
Hajrija Sijerčić-Čolić
The author elaborates on the significant weaknesses in the processing of corruption criminal offences in BiH, focusing on the normative, organizational and practical dimensions. The paper also deals with general shortcomings in the Bosnian criminal justice system having negative impact on the processing of corruption-related offences. For example, it has long been noted that the data on various aspects of crime in BiH are insufficient, incomplete and uneven, and that such a situation makes it difficult to address these criminal offenses.
Thus, in order to constructively discuss the weaknesses and problems in the processing of corruption-related criminal offenses, to draft adequate strategies for combating corruption, and to develop appropriate penal and wider criminal policy, it is not enough to focus attention only on the analysis of the legal framework, jurisprudence or public perception, and the media coverage of this phenomenon. As the author suggests, the complex and important social activity of suppressing and prosecuting corruption-related criminal offenses requires a widening of the range of relevant questions. The paper as a whole sketches the framework parameters for defining such a broadened agenda in this field.
The publication in local languages is available HERE.
This publication is published within the project „Integrity through Justice: independent civil society monitoring and assessment of judicial response to corruption“, which is implemented by Center for Social Research Analitika in partnership with Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN).
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Center for Social Research Analitika and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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