Employment policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Analitika’s Fact Sheet summarizes some of the results of the research conducted for the study “Flexible Labour in Inflexible Environment: Reforms of Labour Market Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Comparative Analysis” covering the topic of employment policy.

Themes: Human RightsGovernance and Service DeliverySocial Welfare


Employment policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina are often seen as inefficient, inadequate and not in line with existing international standards.

Some of the key shortcomings of existing employment policies and practices in BiH are low capacity and organizational inefficiency of employment services, low and poorly prioritized budgets for employment policies, and low quality, scope and coverage of employment measures.

Analitika’s Fact Sheet summarizes some of the results of the research conducted for the study “Flexible Labour in Inflexible Environment: Reforms of Labour Market Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Comparative Analysis” covering the topic of employment policy.

This publication, available only in local languages, was prepared with the assistance of the Open Society Fund BiH, as a part of the project Reforms out of Contexts? Comparative Analysis of European and BiH Labor Markets.