Promotion and Discussion of Findings of Study on Local Communities in BiH
Considering the lack of comprehensive empirical research on the topic, the study “Local Communities in BiH: Challenges and Prospects for Institutional Development” was conducted in order to systematically learn about the countrywide practices of local communities in BiH, and to offer broad recommendations for improving local community work in BiH. It was commissioned by the Swiss Cooperation in BiH in order to inform follow-up activities related to working with LCs in BiH.
The presentation of results of the study was followed by a discussion among relevant stakeholders, including representatives of local governments and local communities, civil society organizations, public institutions and the international community.
This event additionally offered an opportunity to present a forthcoming multi-annual program – "Strengthening the Role of Local Communities (Mjesne zajednice/MZs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina" – a partnership initiative of the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland, to be implemented by UNDP, in cooperation with the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Justice of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry for Administration and Local Self-Government of Republika Srpska, the Government of Brčko District and the Associations of Municipalities and Cities. This initiative has also been informed by the results of the study.