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Hotel Europe, Vladislava Skarića 5, 71000 Sarajevo
Hotel Europe, Vladislava Skarića 5, 71000 Sarajevo
Center for Social Research Analitika organized expert discussion "What Kind of Labour Market We Want?" which was held on December 22, 2015 from 14:00 to 17:00 hrs in Hotel Europe (Sarajevo).
The aim of the expert discussions was to open a discussion on different approaches to reforms of labor market institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although labour market in Bosnia and Herzegovina faces a number of problems, it is questionable how much the current reform proposals of the labor market actually correspond to the existing situation. Current proposals primarily emphasize the need for greater flexibility of working conditions, while they largely ignore the issues of improving other labor market institutions such as employment policy, income security for the unemployed, the framework for the taxation of labor that would provide incentives to employment, as well as mechanisms of collective bargaining and social dialogue.
As a part of this event, the study "Flexible Labour in Inflexible Environment: Reforms of Labour Market Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Comparative Perspective" was be presented. The study served as a basis for discussion.
This event was organized within the project Reforms out of Contexts? Comparative Analysis of European and BiH Labour Markets implemented by Center for Social Research Analitika, supported by Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina.