Monitoring of Judicial Response to Corruption: Report for 2016-2017

The results of the second cycle of monitoring of the work of judicial institutions in BiH in the field of processing corruption-related criminal offenses reveal not only similar problems, but also weaker results in a number of important indicators.

Themes: Judiciary and Access to Justice


This second report is based on the results of monitoring and analysis conducted in 2016 and 2017, whose main objective was to evaluate the work of the judiciary at all levels in BiH in dealing with corruption-related cases. In addition to quantitative data on the processing of corruption in BiH, the report also offers an analysis of jurisprudence, that is, the quality of work of the judiciary in the field of corruption, as well as the evaluation of the transparency of judicial institutions as an important element in the fight against corruption. Comparison with findings of our pilot report reveals similar problems, but also a worrying decline in the quality of the judicial response to corruption in BiH in a number of key indicators.

This publication is published within the project „Integrity through Justice: independent civil society monitoring and assessment of judicial response to corruption“, which is implemented by Center for Social Research Analitika in partnership with Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN).

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Center for Social Research Analitika and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Open Society Fund BiH.