Promotion of the report «Monitoring of Judicial Response to Corruption: Report for 2016-2017»


Hotel NOVOTEL Sarajevo Bristol, Fra Filipa Lastrića 2

Center for Social Research Analitika is organizing promotion of the report “Monitoring of Judicial Response to Corruption: Report for 2016-2017”, which will take place on October 5th 2018, from 12:00 to 14:00 at the Hotel NOVOTEL Sarajevo Bristol in Sarajevo.

The promotion will be an opportunity to present the findings of the second year of monitoring and evaluation of the quality of processing corruption of criminal offenses by judicial institutions in BiH, and in the constructive discussion to further clarify key issues in this domain.

This report is based on results of monitoring and research, with the main aim to systematically and methodologically rigorous way to offer assessment of the overall quality of the response of the judiciary in BiH to corruption. For the purposes of this research, the focus was on statistical indicators, the quality of court and prosecutorial acts in cases related to corruption offenses, and the transparency of judicial institutions in this field. By inspecting judicial practice in the field of corruptive criminal offenses in BiH, this report contributes to a better understanding of the key challenges facing the judicial system in prosecuting corruption.

This publication is the result of continuous monitoring and reporting in this field, which Analitika started in 2016. The findings presented in it enable the detection and monitoring of key trends in the quality of the processing of corrupt criminal offenses in BiH.

For the details about the event program in local languages, please click HERE.

Please confirm your attendance at: by October 1th 2018. 

This event is organized within the project „Integrity through Justice: independent civil society monitoring and assessment of judicial response to corruption“, which is implemented by Center for Social Research Analitika in partnership with Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and funded by the European Union and Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina.



Themes: Pravosuđe i pristup pravdi