Policy Brief: Preventing the Decline of Public Spaces in Sarajevo Neighborhoods

The policy brief "A City's Decline: Towards the Prevention of Deterioration of Public Spaces in Sarajevo Neighborhoods" provides an overview of the main findings of research conducted by the Center for Social Research Analitika and offers a number of recommendations for the improvement of the current legislation as well as mechanisms of governance of public spaces in Sarajevo neighborhoods.

Themes: Governance and Service DeliveryParticipatory Decision MakingTransparency and Open GovernmentDecentralization
Mirna Jusić


According to the brief, based on the report by the Center for Social Research Analitika titled "A City's Decline: Reasons for the Deterioration of Public Spaces in Sarajevo Neighborhoods and Proposed Solutions" and written by Mirna Jusić, evident deterioration of public spaces in urban neighborhoods in Sarajevo is a result of a number of factors, including an imprecise normative framework, missing standards for individual public services, insufficient mechanisms of control of delivery and quality of services in the areas of public cleanliness and maintenance of public spaces, a number of challenges in sanctioning offences that pertain to the littering and the destruction of urban spaces, as well as inadequate mechanisms of communication between competent institutions and Sarajevo's residents. The policy brief offers recommendations for the improvement of the current legislation and practice in order to prevent further physical deterioration of public spaces. The policy brief is primarily directed at representatives of cantonal and local authorities in Sarajevo.

This policy brief has been prepared with the financial support of the Open Society Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The policy brief in English language is available HERE.

The policy brief in local languages is available HERE.