My Place: Data on BiH Local Governments in One Place
The My Place web portal ( offers free access to relevant data, information and documents on municipalities/towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The content of the My Place web portal, officially launched in October 2011, includes statistical data, an overview of important municipal documents and general geographical, economic and social characteristics of local communities. The portal is available in local language and English.
Besides a great amount of information and data, My Place offers the possibility of analyzing municipal/town data, either by comparing several municipalities/towns or by comparing multiple variables for one municipality, in order to identify trends and to position a municipality in relation to others. A brief profile with basic geographic, economic and developmental characteristics, and basic contact information, was prepared for 141 municipalities/towns and the Brčko District.
In addition, the profile of each municipality/town also contains relevant statistical data, as well as the ranking in comparison to other municipalities/towns in BiH for the variables shown on the profile, including a detailed list of data sources and graphic representations of interesting variables, as well as comparisons between municipal/town data and averages for the country. Municipal/town profiles also contain important official municipal documents, such as budgets, budget execution reports, strategic documents, statutes, council rulebooks and audit reports. Statistical data are grouped in several categories, such as economics, education, demographics, health, politics and geography.
Different statistical data has been collected for each of these thematic categories. All data is accompanied by a precise definition, including a formula for calculating variables derived from basic data. Moreover, each dataset has a precise reference to its source. The data, which for the most part pertains to the previous five years, is collected form official sources, such as statistical offices or other institutions and organizations. The My Place web portal is a result of a project implemented by Analitika – Center for Social Research ( since September 2010, with the overall goal of supporting local governance reform efforts in the country and offering support to practitioners and researchers that seek data on BiH municipalities/towns. Analitika will continue to update the portal with new information and data. Visit the My Place web portal at:
The project is supported by the Think Tank Fund and the Information Program of the Open Society Foundations, as well as the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in BiH (SDC BiH).