This Policy Memo points to the current debates and experiences of other European countries in the domain of labor market, with particular reference to the debate on flexibility and security, which can be used to better understand the current situation and help define the approach to reforms in BiH.
Labor market in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) faces great challenges, including persistent high unemployment. The focus of all current proposals for labor market reforms in BiH as well as different initiatives and debates on socio-economic reforms is flexibilisation of labor conditions, while much less attention is paid to other important measures, including the improvement of public policies and institutional framework for employment, social security for unemployed workers, improvement of mechanisms for collective negotiation mechanisms or development of various training and education programs.
This Policy Memo points to the current debates and experiences of other European countries in the domain of labor market, with particular reference to the debate on flexibility and security, which can be used to better understand the current situation and help define the approach to reforms in BiH.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a result of the project Reforms out of Contexts? Comparative Analysis of European and BiH Labor Markets.
Policy memo in English is available HERE.
Policy memo in local languages is available HERE.