Center for Social Research Analitika, in cooperation with the Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS), Riinvest Institute for Development Research from Kosovo, Monitoring Center CEMI from Montenegro, Centre for Democracy and Human Rights CEDEM from Montenegro, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies from Serbia, Center for Research and Policy Making from Macedonia, and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Albania, is implementing the project "Advocacy for Open Government: Supporting the Right to Know in South East Europe."
The project is a part of the European Commission's Civil Society Facility Framework Partnership Agreements program. The project in BiH is funded by the European Union and Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Its focus is on advocating the principles of open government and monitoring the progress of six countries pertaining to country commitments and action plans as part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative, as well as on strenghtening the capacity of civil society organizations to take on a more active role in the development of public policies in this area in six countries of the Western Balkans: Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
Main activities include:
Mapping of government policies in five OGP areas: improving public services; increasing public integrity; more effectively managing public resources; creating safer communities; increasing corporate accountability;
Opinion polls on trust in governments;
Needs analysis of CSO capacity to monitor implementation of OGP commitments and action plans;
Development of common methodology for designing commitments and action plans, monitoring implementation, and setting advocacy goals;
Advocacy activities pertaining to designing OGP commitments and country action plans;
Monitoring and advocacy concerning implementation of existing country commitments and action plans through country reports, public debates and campaigns;
Strenghtening the capacity of civil society organizations active in advocating the principles of OGP
The project duration is 48 months (December 2012 – November, 2016).
1st project phase budget: 30.636,00 EUR, European Union; 22.526,00 BAM, Open Society Fund BiH
2nd project phase budget: 37.359 EUR (29.887,00 EUR, European Union)
Public Institutions and the Internet: Policies and Practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nevena Ršumović, Tarik JusićDownload
09 06 2014
Conference “Open Government Partnership in Bosnia and Herzegovina” Held
09/06/2014 - 09/06/2014
26 09 2014
Advocating for Open Government: Civil Society Organizations’ Seminar Held in Sarajevo
26/09/2014 - 26/09/2014
17 11 2014
Working Meeting Addressing Drafting of OGP Action Plan Held in Sarajevo
17/11/2014 - 17/11/2014
18 05 2015
Conference "Open Government Partnership Action Planning in BiH“ Held
18/05/2015 - 18/05/2015
21 09 2015
Third Working Meeting Addressing Drafting of OGP Action Plan Held
21/09/2015 - 21/09/2015
01 12 2015
Open Government Partnership: Platform for the Adoption of the Principles of Proactive Transparency
01/12/2015 - 01/12/2015
23 11 2016
Restarting Open Government Partnership in Bosnia and Herzegovina: mission (im)possible?
23/11/2016 - 23/11/2016