Strategic litigation in some parts of the region has proven to be a successful tool against discrimination. In Bosnia and Herzegovina strategic litigation is still mostly present in expert debates, while there are only a few examples of its practical implementation. 

Public procurement in many countries are used as a tool for improving efficiency of the process of products and services procurement as well as a tool for making cost savings in the public sector. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-procurement system was established late 2014, but it is still in the early stage of development. On the e-procurement portal in BiH e-announcements about public procurements are available but there is still no conditions to develop further options of the e-procurement portal.

Results of the cooperation with the institutions regarding the strengthening of openness and proactive transparency were presented by TI BiH and the Coalition of NGOs at the conference „Partnership for the Open Government in BiH“ on 18th April 2016. in Sarajevo.

'Constitutional Courts in Central and Eastern Europe and their important role in protection of constitutional democracy are being threatened by the authoritarian governments,' is one of the conclusions of professor Bojan Bugaric from the University of Ljubljana.

Eight-day RRPP Research Academy came to its end on Monday, 18th of April in Sarajevo. 35 young researchers from six West Balkans countries were gaining knowledge and news skills in the field of research methods. Thirteen trainers with international experience through eight modules delivered knowledge on the most relevant aspects of research methods in social science.

The Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), in cooperation with Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH), and with the financial support of the British Government, organized in Sarajevo a conference entitled “Fight against Corruption in BiH: Experiences and Challenges“ on the occasion of December 9, the International Anti-Corruption Day.

Analitika's research fellow Davor Marko published an article in Intellect Ltd.'s September issue of "International Journal of Digital Television". The entire article is available for download at the following LINK



First Regional Conference on Open Government Partnership, held on 10 and 11 September 2015 in Tirana, gathered a large number of regional representatives of government and civil society, as well as national and international experts in the fields of transparency and good governance.

The meeting of representatives of public institutions and civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on 21 August 2015 in Sarajevo, as a part of the consultation process for drafting the first Action Plan for the implementation of the initiative Open Government Partnership - OGP.