Survey Results: Citizens Don't Trust Governments and Political Parties in BiH

Analitika has published survey results on trust of citizens in government institutions, political parties and other organizations in BiH. 

Themes: Governance and Service DeliveryParticipatory Decision MakingTransparency and Open GovernmentInstitutional Communication


The survey shows that the vast majority of citizens of BiH doesn’t have trust in government institutions and political parties. Furthermore, it shows that they have limited or no trust in courts and audit institutions.

On the other hand, citizens do have somewhat more trust in institutions and organizations that provide basic services, as in the sectors of information, utilities, security and humanitarian aid provision.

These survey results are a part of research conducted with the aim to explore the attitudes and experiences of citizens concerning some of the basic principles of the “Open Government Partnership”. The survey was carried out in May 2013, in cooperation with the agency Prism Research as a part of the project “Advocacy for Open Government: Supporting the Right to Know in South East Europe”, financed by the European Union and Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina