Strategic Litigation as a Tool Against Discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Theory and Practice

Although the awareness of dicrimination is widespread, there is only a few tools that can be used to fight it. Rarre finance support can give visible results and ensure concrete protection. As one of a few tools aginst dicrimination, stratigic litigation in past couple of years became more present in Bosnia and Herzegovina, at least among expert debates.

Themes: Constitution, Institutions and Politics Human RightsJudiciary and Access to Justice
Aleksandra Ivanković


New Analitika's Commentary covers the question of stratigic litigation as a tool used against discrimination in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Author Ivanković underlines one of the possible positive effects of the strategic litigation which is a functional judical system. She concludes that only strong and competent courts have the potential to be the factors of change and backbone of the social reforms, although the implementaion of justice and anti-discrimination principals can be complex.

The Commentary is published within the project “Equality for All: Civil Society Coalition against Discrimination“, and is implemented in cooperation with Mediacentar Sarajevo, Analitika – Center for Social Research, Rights for All and Vaša prava BiH. This project is financed by USAID and Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This publication is published by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this Commentary are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

More information about the AD program is available at:

The publication in local languages is available HERE.