Research Results: The Availability of Information on the Official Web Presentations of Public Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Analitika has conducted the analysis of official web presentations of 66 public institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of determining the level of transparency and access to public information.

Themes: Governance and Service DeliveryParticipatory Decision MakingTransparency and Open GovernmentInstitutional Communication


The findings suggest the “tightness” of public institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the unwillingness to take a proactive role in providing access to information in their possession. The most noticeable lack of transparency occurs in the segment the budget information, operational information and partially on the organizational structure information.

Therefore, when it comes to publishing of public information on their official websites, it can be stated that public institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not follow international practices and standards.

The research was conducted within the project "Public Data Now - Civil Society Initiative for Open Government Policies and Practices", implemented by the Foundation Mediacentar Sarajevo, Analitika - Center for Social Research, and the European Journalism Centre (EJC), and was financed by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Key results of the survey are currently available only in local languages.