Policy brief by Analitika provides an overview and analysis of the current legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina relevant to the regulation of proactive disclosure of information held by public bodies.
The analysis shows that the legal framework regulating proactive transparency is characterized by fragmentation and partial regulation of obligations to publish information on a proactive basis, as well as inadequate legal protection of the users of information. On the other hand, the legal framework in BiH contains some elements of proactive measures, but the level and quality control of such a measure does not correspond with international standards and positive trends in the legislation of other countries.
Consequently, the analysis points to the necessity of legal regulation of the minimum standards relating to the content and quality of the publication of information of public importance. The brief is concluded by general recommendations for the improvement of current regulations and mechanisms for exercising proactive dimension of the right to free access to information.
The policy brief is published within the project "Public Data Now - Civil Society Initiative for Open Government Policies and Practices", implemented by the Foundation Mediacentar Sarajevo, Analitika - Center for Social Research, and the European Journalism Centre (EJC), financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sarajevo (MATRA program).