The Draft Law on Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination proposes a provision which introduces internal procedures of protection as one of the mechanism for protection from discrimination.
Mario Reljanović
This institute obliges all public bodies as well as other legal persons to regulate equal treatment principles in their general legal acts or through special legal acts and to ensure efficient internal procedures for protection against discrimination. Provision, in this form, leaves a lot of space for implementation as it can adjust to different forms of discrimination. On the other side, provision raises up different questions about its implementation and relations to Law on Prohibition of Discrimination and other legal acts.
Analitika's new policy brief discusses the concept and reach of the protection against discrimination. The analysis also includes potential problems and understatements in regulation in this field which could cause problems in practice and result in uneven implementation. Analysis offers recommendations for future activities in this field.
Policy in local languages can be downloaded HERE.
Policy brief is published within the project “Equality for All: Civil Society Coalition against Discrimination“ and is implemented in cooperation with Mediacentar Sarajevo, Analitika – Center for Social Research, Rights for All and Vaša prava BiH. This project is financed by USAID and Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This publication is published by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this Commentary are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.