This edited volume gathers texts which from different perspectives, and by using conceptual approach, discuss complex issues of hate crimes, its identification and prosecution.
Judiciary and Access to Justice
, Human Rights
Edin Hodžić
Hate and prejudice-based incidents are a significant problem in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite the fact that hate crimes are part of the criminal codes in all four BiH jurisdictions, a profound lack of understanding of concept of such criminal act is still visible – whose basic characteristic is prejudice based motivation toward certain groups – and importance of adequate prosecution of such acts.
The edited volume “Hate Crimes: Challenges of Regulation and Prosecution in BiH” strives to widen a dialogue on this neglected issue, especially in academic and professional circles in BiH.
In transitional, ethnically and religiously heterogeneous society, intensive dialogue on the issue of combating hate crimes and understanding key issues related to criminal law procedure, in specific context of BiH, is essential step in process of finding more efficient solutions in this area. This publication is a response to existing discrepancy between registered number of prejudice-based incidents and number of those that get before a court, a small number of judgments for these criminal offenses, which are often inconsistent and insufficiently elaborated, and particularly to the fact that there is no sufficiently developed nor uniform standard for prosecution of these criminal offences and understanding of their specific characteristics.
This publication is prepared as part of the project “Prosecuting hate: Towards adoption and implementation of EU standards and best practices in combating hate crimes in BiH”, implemented by the Association of Prosecutors of Federation BiH and Analitika, with the support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The publication in local languages is available HERE.