Attitudes of Citizens of BiH towards Open Government Partnership Principles

Analitika has carried out a survey on a representative sample in BiH in order to explore the attitudes and experiences of citizens concerning some of the basic principles of Open Government Partnership.

Themes: Governance and Service DeliveryTransparency and Open GovernmentInstitutional CommunicationParticipatory Decision Making


Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multilateral initiative for transparency and openess of government with 60 participating countries. Although Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) fulfills the basic preconditions for joining this important international initiative, authorities in BiH still have not expressed their readiness to become a part of OGP, making BiH the only country in the Western Balkans except for Kosovo that is not a part of the initiative. As part of the project "Advocacy for Open Government: Supporting the Right to Know in South East Europe," financially supported by the European Union, Center for Social Research Analitika is launching a number of research and advocacy activities in order to promote this initiative in BiH. 

In May 2013, in cooperation with the agency Prism Research, Analitika carried out a survey on a representative sample of 1000 respondents from BiH, with the aim of exploring the attitudes and experiences of citizens concerning some of the basic principles of OGP, such as the use of new technologies in order to improve the transparency of government, or citizen engagement in public decision-making processes. 

Key results of the survey in local languages are available at the following link and will soon be available in English.