Active labor market policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina are still underdeveloped and their efficiency is low. Analitika’s new policy brief Active Labour Market Policies in BiH: From Direct Employment to Strengthening the Employability of Jobseekers presents international trend in the field of active labor market policies.
Despite current situation and trends of the labor market, active labor market policies are underdeveloped and results are modest. First of all, active policies programs are financially limited. Although there was a slight increase in public spending for active labor market policies it is still low and far below the EU average.
Based on intensified anomalies of current policies Amar Numanović, author of this publication, has made few recommendations for the improvement of policies in order to strengthen their active dimension and to build long term approach to improvement of the functioning labor market system.
Policy brief in English language is available HERE.
This policy brief has been produced as part of the research within the Think and Link Regional Policy Programme project titled “Challenging unemployment in the Western Balkans: Enhancing active labor market policies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia” implemented by Analitika – Center for Social Research in cooperation with Finance Think from Macedonia and Agenda Institute from Albania supported by the European Fund for the Balkans. The views presented in the policy brief are author’s views and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Fund for the Balkans.