The aim of the project “Political Participation of National Minorities in Local Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina: State of the Art, Prospects and Ways Forward” is to help advance the development of minority-inclusive local governance in the specific context of BiH.
The project has the objective of increasing available information about and understanding of the problems related to the political participation of minorities at local level, sensitizing key stakeholders for the problems of political participation of minorities at local level and increasing exposure of journalists, academics, NGO activists and practitioners to the issues and problems related to the political participation of minorities at local level in BiH.
Within the research component of this project, the legal and institutional framework in BiH will be analyzed as well as political participation practices of national minorities at the local government level. As a result of this project, a research report with recommendations will be disseminated to relevant policymakers and other key stakeholders. The completion of the research report will be followed by advocacy activities, inter alia, a round-table discussion will be organized on the subject of political participation of national minorities at the local government level in BiH.
The project is financially supported by the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Budapest.
20 10 2011
Roundtable Report: Participation of Minorities in Local Governance in BiH
20/10/2011 - 20/10/2011