In 2011 and 2012, Analitika is implementing the project “A Comprehensive Overview of the Anti-Discrimination Framework and Practice in BiH in Comparative Perspective: BiH Anti-Discrimination Legislation, Institutions and Practice and International and Regional Trends and Experiences.“ The long-term goal of this project is to help the institutionalization of instruments, processes and practices defined by the anti-discrimination legislation in BiH, thereby contributing to the establishment of a foundation for harmonizing the efforts and maximizing the effects of all relevant actors (government and civil society) in the formulation and implementation of meaningful and effective anti-discrimination policies.
The project is to result in the publishing of four analytical reports and corresponding analytical briefs reflecting research on different aspects of the anti-discrimination framework and practices in BiH. These analytical reports will also form the basis for an integral policy report with primary research findings and recommendations for the improvement of the current situation in terms of concrete structures and mechanisms, as well as roles and effects of the most important actors in the field of protection against discrimination. Research activities will be followed up by dissemination, a public presentation and debate.
This project represents the policy segment of the broader “Anti-discrimination program” coordinated and supported by the Open Society Fund BiH. Partners in of the wider program include Vaša Prava, Mediacentar Sarajevo, ICVA, Prava za sve, Centar za ljudska prava Mostar, Helsinški parlament građana Banja Luka, Forum građana Tuzla and Budi moj prijatelj Sarajevo. Further information on the AD program is available here.
Commentary on Negative Court Ruling in Two Schools under One Roof Case
Aleksandra IvankovićDownload
Preconditions for the Comprehensive Gathering of Information on Discrimination in BiH
Dženana Hrlović, Emina ĆerimovićDownload
Dženana Hrlović

Edin Hodžić

Adrijana Hanušić
Boris Topić
