Public Communications
Aim of the Public Communication Program is to introduce policies that improve communication and interaction mechanisms between citizens on one side, and government/public administration on the other, thus creating the conditions for inclusive, deliberative policy making sensitive to citizens’ needs.
Public communication is seen as a space and a mechanism for the interaction between the state, media and citizens within a society for a number of reasons. First of all, a representative democracy is not possible without independent, free and professional media. Second, government is becoming an ever more prominent communicator as a result of a number of factors and processes. Finally, the rapid advancement of Internet, social media and participatory forms of communication create an enabling environment for a genuine participatory democracy. Analitika places special focus on development of communication capacities of public administration. Additionally, emphasis is placed on enabling different social groups to have greater access to public communications and to have stronger capacities to engage in the public dialogue with government and other societal actors. Our policy focus is also on issues of media independence and public service broadcasting reform. This program is developed and implemented through strategic cooperation with Mediacentar Sarajevo.