Sabina Sarajlija
Sabina Sarajlija, PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo, finalized her master studies in 2009 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo – Criminal Law Department, passed the Bar exam in 2004. She was appointed as Cantonal Prosecutor of Sarajevo Canton Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in 2008. Currently, she is engaged on general, economic and corruption criminal offences. As an expert associate she worked on war crime cases. She took part in working groups and projects, whose task was to improve work of the judiciary. She attended advanced trainings for professionals in BiH and abroad. She is the author of several expert and scientific articles, and a trainer at the Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centers of the Federation of BiH. Since 2009, she has been a member of the FBiH and BiH Association of Prosecutors.