Mario Reljanović

Assistant professor at Law Faculty, Union University in Belgrade


Doctor Mario Reljanović is assistant professor at Law Faculty, Union University in Belgrade. He teaches Labor Law, International Criminal Law, Legal Informatics and Legal Research and Writing.

His areas of scientific expertise are labor and social law, anti-discirimination law and human rights law, as well as European and international public law. He has published several dozens of research papers, among others Analysis of Legal Reform of Labor Law in Serbia; Briefing Ombudspersons in Serbia; Global Administrative Order: Serbia; Antidiscrimination Act; as well as co-authored monographs Implementation of Antidiscrimination Law and Criminal Law Protection; Legal Aid; Justice and Home Affairs in European Union, Judiciary Reform in Serbia 2008-2012.

Mario Reljanović is associate of several non-governmental organizations and secretary of Legal Clinic for Labor Law at Law Faculty, Union University. He is also engaged at the Faculty of Political Science of Belgrade University as guest lecturer at master program European Integrations.